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down to one’s bottom dollar
几乎到了身无分文的地步  detail>>
can bet one’s bottom dollar
什么都敢赌  detail>>
one-dollar and ten-dollar
一元和十元  detail>>
one dollar
美金一元 一块钱 一元洋佃“温得拉”  detail>>
be pegged at one to one with the dollar
以一对一的比例和美元挂钩  detail>> silver dollar
一元银币  detail>>
one-dollar bill
一元币  detail>>
one-dollar coin
元硬币  detail>>
one down
失去第一次发球权  detail>>
bet one’s lost dollar on sth
孤注一掷  detail>>
hong kong one-dollar coin
香港一元硬币  detail>>
united states one-dollar bill
1美元纸币 一美元纸币 一美圆纸币  detail>>
bottom blow-down valve
底部吹泄阀  detail>>
bottom hold down
井底防上滑器;底部压住  detail>>
bottom slow down switch
底部减速开关  detail>>
go down to the bottom of …
掉到……的底部  detail>>
any one bottom
任何一船底  detail>>
one bottom plough
单式犁  detail>>